Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Just Wow

I am sorry for the long break. I have been very busy as of late. My friend's motorcycle and car broke so I have been taking him to work for cash. Also, a friend of mine came out of the closet, and he's been very stressed about it. My Grammy had to be taken out of the experimental chemo program because the chemo was literally causing her stomach to rot. We're bittersweet about it, bitter because it was shrinking the tumors a bit, sweet because fuck the tumors, losing your stomach is bad. I have also picked up a new book in my study of the natural arts, a book on herb magic. It's by a woman who is both a lecturer on the topic and Master Gardener. How the hell do you become one anyway...? Still no job. Dad's mom is still kind of crazy, but a bit more tolerable of late. Other than that, my life's been going no where. Bah. Stupid economy, pick up already. Until the next writing.


Kari said...

I'm so glad you liked the pancakes! Thanks for reading my blog:)

Kari said...

P.S. I just read your post above and I'm sorry about your grandmother. My mom just finished chemo and it was really hard on her too. I hope your grandmother will be okay.

Casey said...

Sorry about your grandmother.
I have you in my prayers everyday hang in there a job will come your way.

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